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Divorce Coaching

Want to get a divorce quickly, amicably, and without spending a fortune? 


[HINT: It's going to take more than a divorce lawyer to do it!!]


Believing that your divorce lawyer is going to "take care of everything" for you is one of the biggest mistakes that most people make when they get a divorce. 

As a divorce coach, I fill the gaps that divorce lawyers leave so that you can get through your divorce with the least amount of conflict and expense possible.


We Can Help You:

  • Make decisions with confidence so that you’re not constantly second-guessing yourself and changing your mind because you’re not sure what to do.
  • Prepare and practice having "the talk" with your spouse AND prepare for telling your kids you're getting a divorce;
  • Stay focused on what matters most so that you have the best chance of getting the outcome you want to have;
  • Reality test your assumptions so that you don't waste time trying to do things that can't be done;
  • Prepare IN ADVANCE for each step of your divorce and/or divorce mediation;
  • Work with your divorce lawyer more effectively so that you save time and money in fees;
  • Understand if you need to change lawyers if the one you have isn't working out;
  • Communicate more effectively with your spouse both during and after your divorce (... which matters a LOT if you have kids!);
  • Create a PLAN for how you can navigate through your divorce;
  • Provide accountability so that you finally take the action you need to start moving forward  ... and more!

We are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice, but we employ paralegals and have CPA's who have been through several high conflict divorces.  We have sucessfully assisted clients who represented themselves and WON! Put yourself in the drivers seat of your divorce and allow us to help make your divorce as painless and inexpensive as possible.

We can provide testimonials for those that would like to hear about the results we have been able to help our clients obtain. Our goal is to keep as much family wealth within the family unit as possible and not pay it out to expensive lawyers who dont have your families best interests in mind.