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Business Services & Outsourcing

Solve your biggest headaches without adding to your headcount.

To maximize your business’s full potential, you need access to a wide range of skills and knowledge that will allow you to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles and seize new opportunities. Building those resources in-house can take time, experience and bandwidth you may not have.

Whether you are looking for strategic support in finance and accounting or human capital management, our highly skilled professionals are ready to hit the ground running on critical and strategic finance and accounting and human resources needs. Bringing practical experience and a depth of knowledge to any project or ongoing business process, we have seen it all before.

How we help

Loftis CPA’s Business Services & Outsourcing Practice can help you manage aspects of your business to unlock value—whether you need:

Smart people in the door to manage a process or project for a fixed period

A skill set or functional know-how you don’t have or need in house

To optimize a process through outside-in thinking

A strategic C-level partner to help you drive efficiencies and growth

How we work with you

We offer scalable solutions across a spectrum of business functions, tailoring our relationships to whatever fits your needs.

Our offerings: Interim Talent, Outsourcing, C-Level Thinking